There have been a few requests to see the table of contents. Here it is:
Acknowledgments ix
Abbreviations xi
1. Whatever Became of Reformed Theology, Piety, and Practice? 1
Part I: The Crisis
2. The Quest for Illegitimate Religious Certainty 39
3. The Quest for Illegitimate Religious Experience 71
Part 2: The Recovery
4. Recovering a Reformed Identity (1) 119
5. Recovering a Reformed Identity (2) 153
6. The Joy of Being Confessional 193
7. Recovering Reformed Worship 227
8. Whatever Happened to the Second Service? 293
Epilogue: Predestination is Not Enough 343
Index 347
I like the name of the epilogue 😉
I had the privilege of reading a prepub portion of the book last spring. It was terrific. A clear indicator of a must-have to come.
I’m intrigued. Looking forward to reading more about QIRC and QIRE and seeing less of it in the American church.
Yay Scott! Sounds good.