Sometime back my friend and neighbor Jim Renihan, who directs the Institute for Reformed Baptist Studies that meets on campus at WSC, very graciously gave me a copy of his new edited collection of confessions from the 16th and 17th centuries. In the style of Sinclair Ferguson and Joel Beeke’s Reformed Confessions Harmonized, Jim has arranged the First London Confession (1644), the 1596 True Confession, The Second London (1677), The Savoy, the Baptist Catechism, the Orthodox Catechism (1680) alongside the Westminster Confession and Shorter Catechism and the Heidelberg Catechism.
This is a valuable collection for those (Baptists and non-Baptists) who are not aware of the confessional Baptist tradition. True Confessions is available at WSC books for $27.78.
Yeah! We are Reformed after all! I was beginning to wonder. According to the title, we are just “in the family”. Maybe that makes us the socially-awkward cousin or the psychologically unstable nephew. I personally think we are first-born child prodigy, but I am biased. :o)
The book can be purchased at as well.