If you live in the Las Vegas area, please come join the LV URC church plant for Sunday afternoon worship services beginning June 1 on the campus of the University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV).
Services will be held at 4:30 PM, and will meet in Moyer Student Union meeting room 208C, except on June 15 and June 22, when they will be held in the Student Recreation and Wellness Center meeting room 1010. (directions and map here)
The services will be hosted by High Desert United Reformed Church of Victorville/Apple Valley, CA. We’re trying to discern whether there’s sufficient interest in planting a URCNA church in Las Vegas. Come join us and bring anyone else who might be interested, and register so we can start to measure the level of interest.
If you have any questions, please call or email Pastor Tom Morrison: 760-951-0809; pastor [at] highdeserturc [dot] org. We hope to see you there!
The message below was just posted in Philmiss, a mailing list on YahooGroups is sharing information that may be of interest to foreign, evangelical missionaries serving in the Philippines:
— In philmiss@yahoogroups.com, D…. wrote:
Tired of the crowds and want a more intimate fellowship time? Join us
at F….s home at 9:30 Sunday Mornings just inside the Golf Ball at
Royal Valley View. After a time of praise and worship, we all
participate in an inductive Bible study and then have a home cooked
meal together.
For more information call ….
— End forwarded message —
The goal of the Sunday assembly is to avoid the crowds and have “a more intimate fellowship.” And here’s the liturgy:
The “Gathering”
The “Praise and Worship” (7-11 Music)
The “Word” (through Bible Study)
The “Lord’s Supper” (with Intimate Fellowship)
Another dropout from mindless evangelicalism to the “emergent.” Maybe these people would later go Orthodox.