It’s the five-hundredth birthday of John Calvin (1509-1564). There will be a great lot of conferences. Bob Godfrey, Mike Horton, Hywel Jones, I and a cast of thousands are speaking at the Calvin500 Conference in Geneva in July, 09.
Herman Selderhuis from the Theological University at Appeldoorn (The Netherlands) just notified us that there is another worthy Calvin conference in the Netherlands in late October and early November of this year. Here’s the info:
On October 30th – November 1st, 2008, as a ´kick-off´ for the 500th anniversary of Calvin’s birth in 2009, the Institute for Reformation Research at the Theological University of Apeldoorn is organising a conference on the theme: Calvin: Reformer and Saint? Leading European and North American scholars will discuss the question of whether Calvin really was a reformer and whether he was “saint or sinner.”
Presenters will be: Irena Backus (Geneva), Jon Balserak (Edinburgh), Christoph Burger (Amsterdam), Emidio Campi (Zürich), Max Engammare (Geneva), Günter Frank (Berlin/Bretten), Isabelle Graesslé (Geneva), Arnold Huijgen(Apeldoorn), Wim Janse (Amsterdam), Kees van der Kooi (Amsterdam), Tony Lane (London), Volker Leppin (Jena), Christian Link (Bochum), Karin Maag (Grand Rapids), Scott Manetsch (Chicago), Elsie McKee (Princeton), Olivier Millet (Paris) and John Thompson (Pasadena).
During this conference the presentation of the Calvin Handbook (Mohr Siebeck) will take place, as well as the presentation of the new book of Irena Backus on the image of Calvin in the 16th and 17th century (Ashgate). The conference will take place at Kasteeel De Vanenburg (
The fee for the conference is €95, and for students €65,-. This fee includes drinks, lunches and dinner. You will receive a list of hotels when you sign up for the conference. We will supply a shuttle service between the hotels and De Vanenburg.
If you want to take part in this conference, please send your application to:
Instituut voor Reformatieonderzoek
Mevr. Drs. Christa Boerke
Theologische Universiteit Apeldoorn
Wilhelminpark 4
NL-7316 BT Apeldoorn
reformatieinstituut.tua at