Chris Gordon speaks with W. Robert Godfrey about Reformed theology and the challenges of being Reformed in America.
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Quite relevant and many good points are made. The issue of “freedom” on the Left is correctly challenged, as it is not merely “doing what I want” but also “controlling what YOU do”! They do mention the magistrate enforcing the 4th C, but then towards the end ‘suggesting’ people turn off the TV on the Lord’s Day. While the 3FU lack the elaboration of the Westminster standards, WSC #57-62 should preclude TV. I write this self – consciously as someone who only accepted the binding validity of 4C a couple of years ago. It makes my continuing membership in a PCA congregation increasingly difficult (along with disregard for the Regulative Principle).
Ultimately this nation is under judgment and we are living through the end of an empire. May God have mercy on us all! While I pray daily for revival & repentance, I do not have great hope for the US.
“Ultimately this nation is under judgment and we are living through the end of an empire. May God have mercy on us all! While I pray daily for revival & repentance, I do not have great hope for the US.”
While we pray for our magistrates, the bottom line is that judgement begins in the house of the Lord. While I am not persuaded that even the P&R church as a whole has repented of buying into the scamdemic and shutting down worship, I very well could be wrong.
Nevertheless we are not to trust in politicians or princes. Neither the Wicked Party nor the Stupid Party wants to address the fact that we are going broke, the demonic transgenderism, unconstitutional international meddling and warmongering notwithstanding. (At one time, there used to be Christians in Gaza no? Likewise the Ukraine.)
Again, may God have mercy.
There are still many Christians in Gaza and Ukraine. Most of the P&R world did honor God during the pandemic through continuing worship albeit honoring the authorities as well. (Encouraging temporary masks/outdoor worship)
I don’t believe Judgement in the house of the Lord is for their economic or medical decisions, or their approach to war. Rather it is for our abandoning the gospel, embracing works, being consumed by politics and the things of this world, and abandoning our daily piety and living out of confession. Just my two cents.
Comment is superfluous except to say how very helpful this was.
It seems the most helpful distinction for elect sojourners (WFC3 & 5) in this complex evil age involves seeing Christ’s control of the inaugurated kingdom, the power of His Word (which is living and active), and the joy of suffering. As an ordinary elect sojourner I live in the newness of life, without a worldly power platform, waiting for Christ to return in judgment.
And so there is great value to study God’s Word carefully, pray throughout the day for God’s Will and Protection, Worship God regularly with the body of Christ on Sunday, and walk alongside other Christians to live in God’s FAITHFULNESS as a living sacrifice.
The answers for this humbled sojourner most reliable are Scriptures and the doctrinal statements in Confessional, Biblical, Historical, Christ-centered, Covenantal, Redemptive Theology and prayer, prayer, prayer.
Almost thou persuadest me to be a postmillennialist.