Luther: The Power Of The Gospel Leads Us To Love The Law

Behold, this is the doctrine and the power of the Gospel and the treasure by which we are saved, which brings us to the point that we also begin to fulfill the Law. For where the great unfathomable love and favor of Christ are known and believed, thence flows forth also love both to God and to our neighbor. For by means of such knowledge and consolation the Holy Spirit moves the heart to love God, and gladly does what it should to His praise and thanks, guards against sin and disobedience, and willingly offers itself to serve and help everybody, and where it still feels its weakness it battles against the flesh and Satan by calling upon God, etc. And thus while ever rising in faith it holds to Christ, where it does not do enough in keeping the Law, its comfort is that Christ fulfills the Law and bestows and imparts His fullness and strength, and thus He remains always our righteousness, salvation, sanctification, etc.

Martin Luther |  Day by Day: 365 Devotional Readings with Martin Luther. Concordia Publishing House. Kindle Edition. From the Church Postil, sermon for Trinity 13 on Luke 10:23–37 (Luther’s Works 79 (Lenker) 5:54)


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