It was a pleasure to spend this past Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (Reformation weekend) with the brothers and sisters of Grace Presbyterian (PCA), Sierra Vista, AZ. Nestled amidst the hills, the town is about an hour southeast of Tucson. The weather was lovely and so was the congregation. They patiently endured talks on Martin Luther, the necessity of the Reformation, Recovering the Reformed confession and even a sermon. Pastor Ken Roth, the session, and the congregation were very gracious. Thanks to Richard Wolfe for making arrangements and to the all the folks who worked so hard to prepare meals and hospitality. We enjoyed multiple meals together and I found that Sierra Vista has a Culvers! For what more can one ask in a one town: A confessional Reformed congregation with a warm congregation, a gracious, Christ-centered ministry and a Culvers? If you’re retiring to Arizona, visiting nearby Tombstone (or Bisbee or perhaps Douglas, AZ, where Sister crossed the border from Agua Prieta after her mysterious disappearance in 1926), or stationed at Ft Huachuca you will want to worship with the brothers and sisters at Grace Presbyterian.
Do you know if there will be audio?
I don’t. Sorry.