In Islam There Is No Separation Of Mosque And State

The role of a caliph is to rule over the Muslim umma in a way that unites both the secular and religious spheres. After all, the caliphate is to be founded upon the prophetic methodology (ʿala minhāj al-nabūwa), and Muḥammad, according to our earliest sources, clearly united what we would today call secular affairs of state with religious affairs; that is, he united both religion (dīn) and state (dawla). As the eminent Islamicist Bernard Lewis states, “during Muḥammad’s lifetime, the Muslims became at once a political and a religious community, with the Prophet as head of state.”

Immanuel Al-Manteeqi

    Post authored by:

  • R. Scott Clark
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    R.Scott Clark is the President of the Heidelberg Reformation Association, the author and editor of, and contributor to several books and the author of many articles. He has taught church history and historical theology since 1997 at Westminster Seminary California. He has also taught at Wheaton College, Reformed Theological Seminary, and Concordia University. He has hosted the Heidelblog since 2007.

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  1. I did say, “Don’t hate the muslims, but pray that even as God saved Saul of Tarsus, He may also save many of them. It may seem unlikely and impossible, but ‘with God’ are possibilities beyond what we can ask or think.” — He normally uses us in that process, right?

  2. We have enjoyed ‘special’ freedoms of grace for some 200+ years, now, but that will be coming to a close as Christianity not only loses ground here in the USA, but actually will become ‘the’ unfavorable religion and persecution will occur. This is the normal way for the Christian, and we must be prepared for it just like we prepare for any coming calamity.

    “Calamity befalls us all.
    Be ready, unshakable, so you stand with rock solid confidence in God’s Sovereign goodness when your calamity comes.”

    Remember, even though we are ‘citizens’, (even patriots), of a sort here in the USA, we are ‘really’ citizens of God’s kingdom of heaven and therefore, here we are sojourners, strangers, aliens and foreigners. Just a-passin’ through.

    So, when we see the muslims violating the laws of the land and not being punished as lawbreakers, while Christians are sued over issues of ‘faith and conscience’, it is not the abnormal thing according to Scriptures. It may be unConstitutional, but it is the lot of the Christian and to be expected, not surprising when it happens.

    It isn’t called persecution because we like it and find it comfortable, but don’t forget that Jesus said we are blessed when suffering that persecution for the sake of righteousness.

    Don’t hate the muslims, but pray that even as God saved Saul of Tarsus, He may also save many of them. It may seem unlikely and impossible, but ‘with God’ are possibilities beyond what we can ask or think.

  3. Why are we admitting Muslims into this country when they can’t honestly adhere to the Constitution and thus their duties as citizens?

    • Walt,

      There are those who identify with Islam who are good citizens, who love the country, its constitution, its freedoms, who have served honorably in the military and in the its police force. There are liberal Muslims, just as there are liberal Romanists or liberal Protestant, who do not receive their ancient texts as authoritative but who nevertheless continue to identify as “Muslim,” or Roman Catholic, or Protestant. We might debate whether they really are what they claim to be. Certainly we may dispute the repeated claim by two successive administrations that it is the liberal Muslims who are the “true” Muslims, since that claim flies against the face of 1400 years of history but they certainly do identify as Muslims.

    • No one debates whether there are liberal Muslims or those who’ve served honorably in the military or whether they believe in the Constitution. Aside from apparently our clergy, punditry, government, and intelligentsia, we doubt whether the risk of bringing potential Muslim terrorists or non-liberal Muslims (the bad apples) is significantly less than the risk of bringing in the good apples and what the trajectory of the good apples will be when the get here (will they turn into terrorists). We have no functional a priori method of separating the good from the bad. Moreover, no one has honestly explained to Normal Americans why we need more immigrants of any kind, let alone those who will contain a large percentage of bad apples in this era of plummeting workforce participation amongst Normal Americans.

  4. …and recently the streets of Los Angeles, California have see the muslims illegally blocking the flow of both pedestrian and motor vehicle traffic so that they can assemble, face mecca and make their prayers.

    I wonder if Christians were to block the streets like that in order to pray that the results would be the same? — Probably not.

    Not that we would do such a thing in the first place, but the following is a legitimate question to ask; ‘Is there a dual standard for the application of the often quoted phrase, ‘separation of church and state’?

    As goes Europe, so goes….

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