R. Scott Clark
R.Scott Clark is the President of the Heidelberg Reformation Association, the author and editor of, and contributor to several books and the author of many articles. He has taught church history and historical theology since 1997 at Westminster Seminary California. He has also taught at Wheaton College, Reformed Theological Seminary, and Concordia University. He has hosted the Heidelblog since 2007.
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Is the cost of social collapse or is it the result of social collapse which is the result of the Fall?
missed a word
Is it the cost of social collapse or is it the result of social collapse which is the result of the Fall?
Both. Even after the fall, however, it has been possible for sinful humans to live in a relatively stable social relationship. When, however, trust breaks down and the civil “ministers” (Rom 13) refuse to do their job, facilitate the grievance culture, or capitalize on social division to foment chaos, then suffering is needlessly exacerbated. When people begin hunting cops, we’ve entered a new phase.
WAS this people beginning hunting cops or was it a single nutter? However, there are plenty of other indicators of social collapse around!
WAS this people beginning [to] hunting cops or was it a single nutter?
It’s not PC to say it, but it is a direct response of the #Black Lies Matter movement, the chief proposition of which is that white cops kill far more blacks than blacks themselves kill blacks, when the numbers aren’t even close.
IOW there’s a reason why they call Rahm Emanuel’s new gig, Chiraq
FTM if the BLM was really serious, every Planned Parenthood abortuary even close to the ‘hood would be a smoking ruin.
Hint: it’s not going to happen.
Like it or not, there is low grade race war going on, tacitly approved by the usual suspects, the CEO of the US, his AG (new and old) and the guilty white liberal progressives.
Neither is ignoring it going to make it go away.
But what else is new.
The family are probably not related to missionary Jonathan Goforth by blood, but if they are by faith then all is well with them.
Apparently the suspect has mental problems, so something like this might have happened irrespective of social breakdown.