The Cruelty Of Political Correctness

Even though reports were reaching social workers of the crimes in Rotherham as far back as the 1990s, nothing of consequence was done for more than a decade. The police were pigheaded and clueless, and the fear of being called “racist” paralyzed the very social workers and local officials who were supposed to protect the girls.

In a BBC documentary, the author of a 2002 report to the Rotherham council on the scandal said her work was quashed. When she noted that the perpetrators were from the Pakistani community, a colleague told her “you must never refer to that again — you must never refer to Asian men.” She was sent to diversity training and, by her account, nearly fired.

—Rich Lowry, “The Real Rape Culture

    Post authored by:

  • R. Scott Clark
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    R.Scott Clark is the President of the Heidelberg Reformation Association, the author and editor of, and contributor to several books and the author of many articles. He has taught church history and historical theology since 1997 at Westminster Seminary California. He has also taught at Wheaton College, Reformed Theological Seminary, and Concordia University. He has hosted the Heidelblog since 2007.

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  1. Lowry, editor of the big government conservative Natl. Review? He’s the guy who fired Derbyshire. (But not Sobran. Joe was before his time.).
    IOW take the red pill and see how deep the rabbit hole goes. The Derb not only mentions Rotherham, but also events a little closer to home here.

  2. The problems in Rotherham, a town which is found in what Peter Hitchins colourfully describes as the “Socialist Republic of South Yorkshire”, are not just due to the profound changes in Britain brought in by Tony Blair’s Labour (socialist) government with it’s social(ist) revolution of equality and diversity which are at the heart of much political correctness. It is equally a problem of how mass immigration in the pursuit of multiculturalism to break up a largely cohesive society has led to communities living side by side with mutual mistrust and dislike. Throughout Europe the gradual and growing problems this political correctness has left us with a future time bomb which influential outlets like the BBC think will be best solved by more money being spent by more government; the BBC regarding Rotherham focused mainly on governmental official’s failures rather than the perpetrators who were oddly hardly mentioned at all in their reporting.

    Peter Hitchins, a professing Christian, write very well about all these matters on his Mail on Sunday blog – he is an excellent writer and fearless journalist. I would heartily recommend him to all as a stimulating thinker and author in the best tradition of other British writers like George Orwell. As for the church, may it not expend any time or waste effort in trying to address such issues like those of Rotherham, terrible though they are. It’s calling is to preach the power of God not in persuasive or clever words but rather in the preaching of the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ and to nourish the church in it’s Reformed doctrine.

  3. Peter,
    Immigrants’ attitudes towards assimilation vary widely depending on country of origin and the rate at which they move into an area. Plenty of data exists on this topic.

    As an American, I care not only how well they do when they get here bit how well I do. I’m afraid my previous points still stand. Korean Americans plant Korean churches. This is not helping national cohesiveness though it may be helping Presbyterian numbers. I painted a broad brush when I said , “Asian.” Koreans seem to have higher levels of assimilation and integration. That said, they don’t seem to be a representative sample of other Asians or of immigrants to the west generally. I repeatedly hear from government workers that everything’s fine and it isn’t.

    Perhaps our immigration laws are fine as written. Our bureaucrats are ineffective at enforcing them and that is the main problem. When I stop at a rest stop on th freeway an no one is speaking English it’s obvious to me we’ve become a polyglot boardinghouse instead of a nation. Thi
    s is further weakening our mutual trust as citizens and helping our PC commissars. Divide et empira is their strategy and they’re good at it.

  4. I’m also for a bit of pushback against our new censorship. I’m sure a few of the noisier and pushier PeeCeeEmCee types could probably be hauled up on conspiracy to deprive others of civil rights Also, I’d urge associations of conservative students to go right to the federal court the next time a university fails to deal with heckler’s veto, bypassing the on-campus grievance system.

  5. Opponents of PC need to do more to flesh out what concrete action against PC and its manifestations looks like. Immigration is largely unchecked throughout the West. Judging by the polls, most westerners are opposed to it. We have a shortage of jobs and national cohesiveness without importing millions more people who lack western heritage and see no problem with ethnic nepotism amongst their kin when they arrive. Magistrates have not acted to redress the grievances of their citizens in this regard preferring to elect a new electorate through immigration. Situations like Muslim rape waves in northern Europe are the result. In the US , Latin Americans and Asians are coming at such rates and in such numbers that US citizens are pushed out of their jobs and communities. Theoretically, we can elect new leaders but perhaps party machines leave US no viable alternatives. Democracy is failing and there is no recourse for Average Joes who just want to live in peace with their own countrymen.

    • Hi Walt,

      There are perhaps a number of things that might be done on a variety of personal and corporate levels. One the personal level we can each push back against unreasonable restrictions on speech, to which even the PC crowd does not adhere consistently. When someone censures us for not being PC we can recognize it for what it is: an attempt to silence dissent.

      We can do what Stella Morabito is doing. She has encouraged me greatly just by subversively illustrating acts of quiet courage and resistance.

      When advocates of PC speech codes are willing to talk, then we should talk. If they are not, if they are totalitarian and unreasonable in their attitude, then we should note that and walk away.

      Most people simply remain silent in the face of such pressure because they fear conflict and so the noisy, pushy, PC types silence dissent. Shame on us for caving in.

    • Well, both my wife and daughter-in-law are immigrants (legal, BTW). Both of my grandfathers were, too, and while both of my grandmothers were US-born, they grew up in households where a language other than English was spoken. And, since we’re talking about Asians, I wonder how much Korean immigration has added to Reformed strength in North America? They seem to open a Presbyterian Church every three blocks where they’re common.

      Also, as an ESOL teacher, I have much opportunity to meet immigrant parents, and it’s a lie that they don’t want to assimilate (at least a lot of the Latins, Sub-Saharan Africans, and Far Eastern folks do). Maybe if we older Americans had a little bit more confidence in our God and our own traditions, that assimilation would probably work.

      This being said, I am a former US Consular Officer, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with our immigration system that a bit of consistent enforcement and prudent application of asylum standards (to say nothing of making the resources available for the project) wouldn’t fix.

    • Walt, Latin Americans don’t “lack western heritage.” Something tells me, though, that this pedigree won’t factor as high when trying to theorize why those south of the border should be kept out.

      But the brilliance of the right has been to take a phenomenon common to all human groups–political correctness–and successfully re-brand it as “whatever the left thinks.” As if there is no political correctness among rightists.

      • Hi Zrim,

        I’m not certain I understand all that you’re saying but you make a fair point in re right/left. I’m opposed to political correctness of all sort. Presently the left is ascendant in most social, political and certainly academic settings. I don’t know of many campuses suffering under the oppression of right-wing political correctness, right-wing speech codes. That was certainly the case at fundamentalist colleges and other institutions but I wonder how much of that goes on now. Certainly conservative shibboleths exist in churches and other associations and societies but few of them have the influence or power that governmental entities, universities, or media outlets. The very notion of “political correctness” is Marxist in origin, so the connection between PC and the left isn’t mere branding or marketing. It’s history.

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