The theme for season 5 of Office Hours is New Life in the Shadow of Death. We’ve been talking about sanctification. Dovetailing with those 20 or so episodes is the annual WSC faculty conference, this Friday and Saturday, January 17–18, 2014, which is also focusing on sanctification. If you hope to attend and haven’t reserved a place, you might call the seminary (888-480-8474) to find out if there’s still space to squeeze you in. In case you’re wavering, it’s 78 degrees in Escondido right now. Projected highs for Friday and Saturday are in the low to mid-80s. If you can’t attend you can still watch the conference via live video stream. Here’s the program for the conference.
I suspect the “&ndasg;” in the phrase
January 17&ndasg;18, 2014
above should be “–” so that it displays as:
January 17-18, 2014
Thanks Steve.
We’re looking forward to it!
We missed you at the conference, and tried to catch y after church but we were too slow. I guess you’ll have to wait until next next year for your gift…or hope that Dr Godfrey will share.
Hi Brad,
Sorry to miss you. If you gave something to Bob to share, well, uh, it’s gone by now!
There’s always next year. 🙂