Every Christian Sabbath is a day of joy. After all, by God’s grace we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection. Yesterday, however, was a particularly joyful Lord’s Day at Grace URC in Torrance, CA since WSC graduate William Godfrey was ordained to the Ministry of Word of Sacrament. The Rev Dr Bob Godfrey preached an edifying sermon from Psalm 40, and the Rev Mr Robert Godfrey (Trinity URC, Visalia) read the form for ordination, and the Rev Mr Greg Bero gave the charge. Dr Godfrey gave an edifying afternoon message from 1 John 2 making reference to the Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic Confession, and the Canons of Dort, the confessional standards of the United Reformed Churches. This was a special service because, as you can tell, three of the participants are related. The Rev Messrs William and Robert Godfrey are Dr Godfrey’s sons and so God has given us three Reformed ministers from one covenant family. It was also good to worship with the brothers and sisters at Grace URC since it was their 12th anniversary as a congregation and they’re a Psalm-singing congregation that loves to sing God’s Word.
May God continue to bless Grace URC in Torrance.