Beach Replies to Nampa (Pt 2)

…Nampa here (inadvertently) makes the Study Committee’s point for it by presenting materials that illustrate FV ambiguities and the theological haze the FV spreads. First, we meet FV statements that report that baptism and covenantal membership constitute nothing short of divine salvation and election and saving union with Christ. Now we meet FV statements which explain that baptism and covenantal membership constitute a formal or covenantal union with Christ—note that, formal and covenantal, an offer of salvation versus a saving union with Christ. First, the FV overplays the import of baptism; then it switches and underplays baptism’s import. Read more»

    Post authored by:

  • R. Scott Clark
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    R.Scott Clark is the President of the Heidelberg Reformation Association, the author and editor of, and contributor to several books and the author of many articles. He has taught church history and historical theology since 1997 at Westminster Seminary California. He has also taught at Wheaton College, Reformed Theological Seminary, and Concordia University. He has hosted the Heidelblog since 2007.

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  1. The Federal Vision (FV) gospel is here exposed as a Formal Virtue (FV) gospel. Another works based religion.

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