Sinclair Ferguson's den Dulk Lecture #2: The Pastor and His Type

Sinclair is at Westminster Seminary California this week. He is speaking on 2 Cor 4:7-8 about, among other things, the spirituality of pastoral ministry, the transience of the visible.  Yesterday the students enjoyed a pizza lunch with Sinclair and today the faculty is looking forward to lunching together with him. This afternoon he’ll record an episode of Office Hours.

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One comment

  1. “So Be It!” These three words in his article in “Inerrancy and Herm” shook my world long time ago (he was referring to circular reasoning). Took his class in 06 for my thm at WTS and got to know a man little better: great example of Pastor-Theologian.

    Thanks again Dr. C, looking forward to another Office Hours!!!!!!!

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