We were pleased to have Dr Kelly Kapic, Associate Professor of Theological Studies at Covenant College, on campus last week to talk to one of our classes and to deliver a convocation lecture. You can hear that lecture on “Evangelical Holiness: Assumptions in John Owen’s Theology of Christian Spirituality ” by clicking on the image to the left. Kelly also graciously sat for an Office Hours interview, which we expect to broadcast in future. Subscribe to the free WSC Morning Devotions broadcast and the weekly faculty devotions, guest speakers, and special lecturers (like Kelly Kapic) will appear in your iTunes (or RSS reader) automatically.
Thank you for the enlightenment, sir!
Dr. Clark,
Would you have anything in Dr. Kapic’s lecture that you would tend to disagree with?
Why do you ask?
Because of the disclaimer at the beginning of the audio, sir.
I’d also like to ask for your view on his Imitatio Christi.
We do that disclaimer regularly for speakers who are not on faculty. It doesn’t mean that we’re suspicious of anyone.
What in particular about his comments about the imitatio are you wondering about?
I’d just like your view on the Imitatio, sir, and whether it (orthodox Reformed position) and Kapic’s are congruent.
I’m wondering if Kapic’s view is a bit “Thomas a Kempsian.”
Erratum: “Kempisian.” LOL.
If the Imitatio is re-contextualized within a Protestant soteriology, within a Protestant doctrine of sanctification, I think it’s not harmful. After all, we all believe that, to some degree, recognizing that he is the Savior and that we are only the saved, we are to imitate Christ. We strive, in union with Christ, by grace alone, through faith alone, in the context of the due use of ordinary means, to be conformed to Christ. If the Imitatio is left in its original context, it’s problematic.
I quite agree with Owen (and Kelly) that the value of the Imitatio, even in Bernard, is that it focuses on the reality of the humanity of the incarnate Son. In a Protestant, Reformed context, the Imitatio is given new richness. As Kelly says, the problem is not the imitation of Christ but the corruption of the true imitation of Christ. As he says, it’s not a way to power but a way to sacrificial service, the way of the cross (theologia crucis).
Hello Scott:
We are anticipating to try and come to the Den Dulk lectures, (maybe for one of them)…I’d like to hear Sinclair Ferguson…will you have his lectures posted on here…or can we hear them on OFFICE HOURS? What do you think is best…we’ll try to come tho to one of ’em…appreciate hearing from ya!!!
In HIS grip…Fran Cummings
Hi Fran,
They will probably be online but they’ll be under the Morning Devotions heading I guess. Watch the web page for news. http://www.wscal.edu
When there’s more info I’ll put it here.