Update 8 Sep 9AM Pacific: The interview is online now.
Westminster Seminary California is releasing a special episode of Office Hours. This is a two-part special. Part 1 is an interview with three current WSC students: Dan Borvan, Ross Hodges, and Chuck Tedrick. Dan is a pastoral intern at OURC and a dual-track MDiv/HT student who transferred to WSC from a well-known dispensationalist seminary. Ross is a first-year MDiv student from Alabama, and Chuck is a senior MDiv student from Michigan who works with the White Horse Inn and Modern Reformation magazine. Part 1 of the show explores how these students made the decision to go to seminary, why they chose WSC, and what they’ve found since they’ve been here. Part 2 of the episode is an interview with Mark MacVey, our Director of Enrollment Management. In this segment, I played the part of a prospective student and tried to ask the sorts of questions that prospective students ask: Why WSC? Why doesn’t WSC offer distance ed? How can I afford seminary? Can I transfer credits? Mark did great job responding to some tough questions, but I guess we should expect no less from a Cornhusker and former linebacker. Mark is a straight shooter. If you’re thinking about seminary, you should talk to him soon. If you are thinking about seminary or if you know someone who is, this episode of Office Hours will be helpful. You can subscribe to Office Hours in iTunes or via your RSS reader or you can listen online at the Office Hours website. Office Hours is free and a service of WSC.
I’m looking forward to listening to this…many thanks for the great blog,etc.
Thanks Chris and Phil. I appreciate it.
Dr. Clark, catching up on this good move on your part to publish these interviews. Many thanks.
Thanks Dr. Clark for the tough questions for Mark McVey. I’ll have my wife listen so she can hear how we can afford to go to WSC for an MAHT. I haven’t fully convinced her…yet.