Okay, she’s a WSC student and she’s in my Medieval-Reformation class and she’s required to read it, but Tricia is reading it nonetheless and she she likes it!
Okay, she’s a WSC student and she’s in my Medieval-Reformation class and she’s required to read it, but Tricia is reading it nonetheless and she she likes it!
Just out of curiosity. What does your book have that Lyle Bierma’s doesn’t. I ask that because I would like to read it, but it is expensive. I need justification to buy it and read it. I need to buy it because no one I know owns it, and my college library doesn’t carry it. I’ve read Bierma’s book, and enjoyed it very much.
Hi Steven,
I deliberately tried to build on Lyle’s work. I spend a little more time putting Olevianus in his context and I spell out his systematic theology on some crucial issues. For what it’s worth Lyle thinks the book is worth having. You can always get it via inter-library loan. Any public library can get it for you or your school library can get it for you. Go to your reference librarian and give him/her the bibliographic information and he/she can order it for you and it probably won’t cost you anything.
Thanks, I’ll check out the inter-library loan.
I loved that book! I would have given it greater reviews if I would have known you were going to post about my blog! 🙂