I am more convinced than ever that awareness of how propaganda works on us is KEY to helping our society regain sanity and reason. As more and more students at campuses around the country shout down politically incorrect speakers — even to the point of rioting — it is clearer than ever that our very individuality is under attack.
Freedom of conscience, of speech, of association is all under attack. Radical education reforms continue to sow ignorance. They continue to intellectually kneecap students so that they are not even capable of listening to diverse points of view. Instead, students seem to have been programmed to respond reflexively and emotionally against free speech, as they did the other day at Indiana University at Bloomington when scholar Charles Murray spoke there. Watch here The act is so self-destructive, it’s as though these students have been virtually programmed to shoot themselves in the head.
Stella Morabito, “Next Up For Stella’s Book Club“
“more and more students at campuses around the country shout down politically incorrect speakers — even to the point of rioting”
I think some of the ‘The Mortal Storm’ (1940) should be required viewing for these students. especially the scene in the lecture room in Germany where Professor Roth is deliberately asked questions about the nature of blood by students infatuated by Nazi ideas who know that the professor’s scientific answers and views do not conform to the latest political correctness. This simple ‘entrapment’ leads to his being shouted down, a classroom riot, boycott of his classes, and his eventual arrest. Several scenes in this film are still very powerful and illuminating. I wonder why youngsters today cannot see that they are treading the very same path.
” I wonder why youngsters today cannot see that they are treading the very same path.”
Kevin, in part because they are youngsters, no?
Two, the assault on liberal education, which is supposed to equip the student to be able to think for themselves, has been going on for some time, if not that it now appears to have morphed into blatant and bigoted indoctrination in our more elite institutions.
But ‘those whom the gods wish to destroy, they stupefy’. The United States of Socialist Surveillance are under the judgement of God when all kinds of patent nonsense and idiocies are common coin and socially acceptable verities, the least of them being fascist “antifascists” defending free speech in or out of the classroom by redefining/refining the heckler’s veto.
Even further, Postman in his Amusing Ourselves to Death essentially argues that we returning to an age when pictures and passion plays are books for the ignorant IOW the rise of the visual image over the printed word though granted, as a secular or agnostic Jew, he doesn’t really talk about the Reformation. Which is to say in the long run, I don’t know that watching movies in order to combat the effect of the same will suffice.
This reminds me of Orwell’s “two minutes of hate”
in 1984. At my own alma matter recently there was an incident where people were prevented from entering a hall where a speaker was making a presentation on a controversial subject. She gave her talk to a largely empty room, though it was broadcast to another part of the campus where people could hear her.