An Undergrad Replies To Social Justice Warriors

But the SJW movement is so hopelessly confused and maddeningly fickle that the prospect of their rising powers of censorship is nothing short of terrifying. Not satiated by the traditional right-wing targets of progressive indignation, they eat their own: feminists who criticize the treatment of women in Islam are racist; Muslim women who feel uncomfortable with biological-men using ladies-rooms are trans-phobic; Caucasians who show solidarity with ethnic-minorities by sporting traditional garb are guilty of cultural appropriation. Keeping up with the ever-changing party line, it seems, is a full-time occupation.

Perhaps their willingness to suppress dissent without justification is related to SJWs’ rather odd relationship with truth. As a Western-white-cis-male construction, truth is relative, and logic and reason are tools of oppression, especially when they underlie arguments in opposition to SJW ideas.

Consequently, their theses don’t have to make sense: all that matters is the feeling, impact, and experience of the people on the ‘right’ side of the debate. Not only does this assume correctness without proof, it doesn’t even make sense — how can SJW ideas themselves be ‘true’ when right and wrong are social constructs? I suppose that once one has freed oneself of the shackles of logic and reason, questions of this sort become uninteresting.

Simon Capiobianco,Drowning Out Discourse”

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  1. In his book, “Ideas Have Consequences,” (1945). Richard Weaver traces the fall of Western civilization to the 14th century. Western man, said Weaver, had made an “evil decision” to abandon his belief in the position that “there is a source of truth higher than, and independent of man…” The consequences of the rejection of “higher things” were catastrophic:

    “The denial of everything transcending experience means inevitably…the denial of truth. With the denial of objective truth there is no escape from the relativism of ‘man is the measure of all things.” (The Conservative Intellectual Movement in America, George H. Nash, pp. 32-33)

    Social Justice Warriors are a further and more ominous product of relativism—the totalitarianism of ‘self’ collectively representing Rahab, the forces of chaos.

    • Linda,

      His analysis of the 14th century is over simplified. Yes, there were problems (e.g., radical nominalism, Pelagianism) but there were opportunities: it also marked a renewed appreciation for divine freedom and the centrality of Scripture for the Christian faith and life.

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