The air is relatively clear this morning in central and southeast Escondido. The fires never approached the southeast part of town (near the seminary). Earlier in the week there were a couple of small (a fence, a car, and an outbuilding), oddly timed, fires nearby that were quickly extinguished. The cause of the church fire between the seminary and downtown is under investigation but it appears suspicious. The leading edge of the nearest major fire, the Cocos Fire, in San Marcos was about 5–6 miles to the west of the seminary. At one time there were as many as 11 fires in the county. Most of them are contained. As of late last night the Cocos/San Marcos fire was 50% contained. As of late last night, there was a new, third fire on Camp Pendleton near Basilone Road, forcing more evacuations from the base.
The damage is extensive and expensive but relatively few houses were lost. Local news reports are showing some truly exhausted firefighters. All of San Diego County is grateful for their service and for the service of the San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E) crews—we only lost power for about 10 minutes during the whole episode, police, the military pilots and air crews, CalFire (the state agency that coordinates fire control for these large, multi-jurisdiction fires) and reporters who braved very dangerous conditions on our behalf. Late last night only most areas were re-opened to allow people to return to their homes.
We’re thankful for the mercies of the Lord.
So many fires – it just seems so out of control, and so soon in the season. I’d be nervous living in such areas of the Cali fires.
Glad to know the seminary is safe.
God is merciful.