"Preaching Christ" Audio: Dale van Dyke

wsclogo302ublue  This month’s WSC alumni sermon is from the Rev Mr Dale Van Dyke (WSC ’91), pastor of Harvest OPC in Grandville, MI. (Harvest OPC is also home to WSC alumnus Francis VanDelden). The sermon is “Church Essentials: Truth and Love” (1 Tim 1:1-11).Pastor Van Dyke says in part,

 “Theology and moral transformation has to be happening under the banner of Jesus Christ crucified for sinners…. We live in a world where people are going to hell without the Lord Jesus Christ. Those realities have got to form the context for how we talk about theology and how we talk about moral living. Is it enough that you don’t watch R-rated movies? Is that as good as it gets? Is that all God expects of you? …So how do you read the Bible? When you go to the Bible are you just looking for an inspirational truth? Or are you saying, “Lord Jesus reveal yourself”? Are you looking for theological instruction or are you looking for Christ? The Bible’s purpose is show us our need for Jesus and then show us Jesus so that by despairing of ourselves and trusting in him we find life, life in his name. Gospel preaching is unique. Because it seeks to read the Bible lawfully. We understand that the purpose of the law is to put an end to all self-righteousness and the purpose of the gospel is to lead to Christ’s righteousness.”

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